
Treated myself to taro milk tea + boba.
New Brooks.  I can now run happy.  My knees are stoked.
We changed a car battery.  By ourselves.
Junior highers taught me that it is possible to do a three-way thumb war.
I fell in love with chamomile flowers.
We decorated The Full House for Valentine's Day.
I tried a cronut, and couldn't figure out the hype.
Drank green tea + read Captivating in the Orange Circle.
Daniel the Barista put smiley faces on our cups every week.
I bought a ranunculus plant.  And accidentally killed it.  In the same week.
God painted multiple pretty sunsets for us.
Mom and I found cute flowers on our walks.
It was sunny and 75.
My coworkers left me tiny gifts on my car.

And God did amazing things
in my heart,
in my friendships,
in my church,
and in my family.

It was a good February.


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