Top Ten Thursday #6

{1} Joined the high school youth group leader squad.
and got asked if I was a) a senior in high school, b) someone's sister, c) a babysitter.

{2} Sold my guitar to a sister who wants to use it for worship.
check out my last post.

{3} Hearing testimonies + worship music with dear friends and new faces.

{4} Freesoulcaffé + thrift store hopped with Allie Ray.

{5} Discovered that Air1 now reaches Orange and LA Counties.

{6} Warmer weather = skirt + tights + boots.

{7} Comfy reindeer sweater twice in one week.

{8} Made a paper chain by firelight.

{9} Found a rad book on U.S. National Parks for 50¢ at the thrift store.

{10} Christmas cards, decorations, smells, and music.
and red cups at Starbucks.


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