Psalm 37:4

"Delight yourself in YHWH,
and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4

This is wonderfully true.

Before I decided to follow the Lord, I was filled with selfish, stupid pride and ambition.  I was determined to be someone awesome and to give life to all of my dumb "plans", none of which I had thought out to any proper extent.  The desires of my heart, should God have been less gracious and granted me them, would have led me down a very broken road of heartache.

Once I made a decision to follow the Lord, He began to transform my heart.  Some desires never changed, and I realized that those were healthy and glorifying to Him.  Others, He extracted and threw out.  The more junk He pruned from my heart, the more room there was for Him to plant new, beautiful, better desires.  And He has sure planted some unexpected and amazing desires in there.  Some of which I would never have chosen for myself.  Not in a million years.

Today, I sat in a living room with twenty-six teenagers and adults and forced back tears as I watched God remind me why I am exactly where I am.  I looked at the faces of my junior highers and high schoolers and prayed that they would know the value of their lives, and the value of the lives around them.  I was blown away to see so many people gathered together, on such short notice, for such a heavy topic.  My heart was overwhelmed.

I never thought I would work with teenagers.  They drove me crazy, even when I was one.  But the Lord has scooped out a bunch of junk from my heart and poured in a new desire: to walk along side these kids as they learned about Him and experienced His creation, grace, gifts, and being.

I believe that the desires the Lord gives us reflect things that tug on His heart strings.  And if His desire for me is to encourage spiritual growth in students, then I wouldn't change that.  Not in a million years.


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