Top Ten #8: Family Edition

I struggle with my family.  It seems so ridiculous to say.  They love me more than anyone else in the world, they've been by my side through all my ups and downs, and I love them tons.  But they also drive me the most crazy.  I'll spare you the elaboration, especially because this post is supposed to focus on the things I'm most thankful for about them.

Top Ten Things About My Family That I'm Thankful For:

{1} That my mom can do many basic functional things, like eating, showering, writing, et cetera.  It sounds crazy.  And she'd probably hate that this is on a public blog, but it's one of the things I'm most thankful for.  Her MS has robbed her of so many things, and these basic abilities are such blessings, even though they too have also slowed down.

{2} That my dad is a local small business owner.  Even though we struggle, the fact that he is his own boss has been a blessing.  He was always able to make it to my sports games, plays, and field trips, and to be there for my mom.

{3} I grew up with all four grandparents, and a step-grandparent living.  Not everyone I know got to meet or know their grandpas and grandmas.  Until three years ago, I had all of them.  I am blessed to have many memories with them.

{4} The majority of my family lives within a half hour away, which is awesome, because so many people I know have close relatives states away.

{5} That my immediate family are followers of Jesus, too.  I'm grateful to have a mother and father who share my beliefs.  They're open to bouncing questions back and forth about our faith and others.  If I find something super cool as I'm reading, they get excited with me.  Best of all, when we need to pray hard, they're right beside me.  Our house is the Lord's.

{6} They supported my overseas trips.  Though it made them nervous, my family members were extremely supportive of my service projects.

{7} Many of them are super relaxed and not at all judgmental.  Like, they might giggle at me if I came to every event in pajamas, but they'd treat me the same.

{9} When I wanted to host an East Asian student, they were on board (I cried).  And also, they see the beauty in adoption, even if it didn't work out for us.  Which will be cool, in case I ever adopt. :)

{10} They give love and give love and give love.  And they've always encouraged dreaming.


  1. I just discovered your blog and I'm so excited to read from now on! I love this list...I also want to adopt one day too. :)


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