A Week in LA.

As heartbroken as I feel when the Lord ends my time with different serve opportunities, I am always grateful that by closing one door, it enables Him to open another.  Last Saturday, He finished my week-long adventure with our youth group in LA.  During that week, He melted my heart.

I love the inner-city.  I love learning about peoples' lives.  I love that preparation for the day meant I woke up before the group to sit with the Lord, instead of doing makeup or picking out an outfit.  I love smiling at people I don't know, trying to convey to them in a three-second exchange that they are beautiful, valuable.  I love dancing on street corners to Tupac with my sisters in Christ.  I love being open and vulnerable with people, letting the Lord use my life story to share His grace and love with others.  I love leading my middle schoolers and high schoolers, even with the momentary heart attacks when I count only 9 instead of 10.  I love hearing their perspectives, processing their experiences with them, and praying with them.  I love how their laughter reminds me to not be in a hurry to grow up.  I love worshiping alongside them, praising God for our days.  I love that multiple twentysomethings came from all over the U.S. to invest in LA for the summer.  I love learning about their hearts for the Lord and the journeys He has them on.  I love the partnerships created between the organization we worked with and those within the community.  I love that the Lord redeems brokenness and turns it into beauty.

Father, never let me forget.  Father, let me always be grateful.  Father, be honored.


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