Star Struck.

Okay, so I'm not usually big on anything to do with Hollywood.

I dislike rag mags, most celebs' Twitter comments, and the ridiculous amounts of  money circulating the industry, which I feel could really help change lives if people bought fewer designer shoes and handbags and didn't feel like they had to live in mansions.

That said, I was star struck.  I spent half of the walk down Hollywood Boulevard with my nose down, looking for my favorite artists.

After running through water at an outdoor mall and trying to take pictures of the Hollywood sign, I got overly excited at the Chinese Theatre because they had R2D2 & C3PO's prints:

- Nerd Alert! -

After we saw the Walk of Fame, we headed back towards Santa Monica Blvd.,
 where I ate my first crepe:

Then we waited as patiently as possible for the Troubadour to open its doors:

Maybe it sounds crazy, but it was my 7th time seeing Matt Costa in concert,
and he is still my favorite after all this time.  He played it cool when technological difficulties showed up, and he picked rad people to open for him.  And Simon Helberg was right behind us during Carly Ritter's set.  And all of my chips about Hollywood were forgotten in that moment of discovery.

As much as I wouldn't want to be a part of the Hollywood crowd, it was fun seeing things and people I'd only ever seen in movies, exploring new territory, and learning how to pray over the world that lives an hour from my home.

The Hollywood sign through a telescope we paid 25¢ to look through.
Best 25¢ ever spent.  Besides jumbo gum balls, of course.

Grateful for a day of adventure with a new friend, hearing really good live music, and walking outside in perfect weather all day while drinking black iced tea.


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