30 Things I've Learned Along the Way

  1. God will redeem all hurts for His glory. Take heart.
  2. Let go of the people who let go of you. I know, it sounds cliché.  But for real. Relationships (even friendships) are a two-way street.
  3. You don't need a professional goal/objective on your resume. Your goal is to get the job.
  4. You don't have to be given a title to become a leader.
  5. That last slice of pizza will absolutely throw your lactose intolerance over the edge.
  6. Love is a verb.
  7. Identify your weaknesses, but don't let them define you.
  8. Take an extra couple of thousand dollars out in school loans.  Work less, and get an internship at a company you admire.  You can't get internships very easily after you graduate.
  9. Knowing what you don't want to do is just as important as knowing what you want to do.
  10. Speak. Up.
  11. Ask questions.
  12. Don't half-ass something just because you're not being acknowledged. (Colossians 3:23-24 & Ephesians 6:7)
  13. Be willing to ask for help (and to receive it).
  14. Sometimes people drive like jerks because they're on their way to the hospital. (Guilty)
  15. Leave No Trace.  Even though entropy implies that the earth is not going back to it's original state, God has commissioned us to care for our planet. (Genesis, peeps)
  16. Never give a weak handshake, lest you also receive a five-minute-long lecture by your high school friend's intimidating father.  ("Never again, sir!")
  17. Practice pays off.
  18. Do not eat a king-sized Butterfinger before a 400m race.
  19. Your car is going to get scratched– chill out.
  20. Dogs like to destroy retainers. (ew)
  21. T.J. Maxx is where it's at.  (At least, it's where my perfect, half-off all-weather Marmot jacket was.)
  22. Buck up and network with people, even if it's not natural for you.  (See numbers 10, 11, & 13!)
  23. Dress for the job you want.
  24. You will pee on your sandals when learning to use the squatty-potty overseas for the first time. 
  25. Don't mention that you peed on your sandals to anyone, ever.
  26. Have an open mind when you travel abroad– dress appropriately, and be culturally aware.
  27. Don't eat the airplane chicken.
  28. PB&Js are perfectly acceptable food at any age.
  29. Be present, be prepared, be intentional.
  30. Love God, love people.


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