All For His Glory.

I have seen God provide for my family in incredible ways over this past month.  My favorite way to describe it lately is that "His faithfulness is indisputable."  There is no denying that He has been in the middle of our difficulties, triumphed over Satan's attacks, and filled our days with grace.  We are blessed.  Not just for what He has done for us, but for the opportunities to see His character, His love, and His involvement in our lives through the trials.  His glory shines brighter than our circumstances.  There is not one thing in this season that I look at, and think, Satan sure won that one.  No.  God has used absolutely every difficult thing to draw us to Him, to share more of Himself with us, and to prove Himself faithful and graceful.  I have come to this conclusion: I will never fully understand why He allows difficult things to happen to us, except for that through whatever He allows, it is ultimately for His glory.

If I have to endure hardships in this life, I can rest in the knowledge that God is absolutely faithful.  He is the ultimate provider, repeatedly merciful, abundantly graceful.  He is stronger than any created being, including Satan.  Not one created being could ever, EVER stand in His way and win.  He will use every evil thing to glorify Himself.  Where darkness falls, His light shines brighter.  Where I am overwhelmed by grief, He appears with grace and joy.  When I am graceless, His mercy meets me.


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