I Hear a Voice, and He Calls Me 'Redeemed'

These past two weeks have been an absolute roller coaster.  I have become extra familiar with the third floor of the old building at the hospital (and pretty much every other floor).  The change in my appetite has thrown me for a loop, and my cup of grace is dwindling.  My supply of tears has somehow grown and has spilled over more times than I would have imagined possible.  Today I finally recognized some of the lies that the enemy has been trying to tell me, and I want nothing more than to renounce them.  Rather than writing the lies I've battled this week, I'm writing the truths God tells me instead.

I am strong.

Where I am weak, God is glorified; my weaknesses are never in vain, Satan cannot capitalize on them if I lay them at Jesus' feet.

My life doesn't have to be in perfect order before I am qualified to help people.

It is okay to cry in the middle of a church service (and not everyone is looking).

I am not alone.

I am called out, I have a purpose, and I am useful.

I am loved.

If God is asking me to sacrifice something, He will replace it will something unimaginably better.

There is hope.

Greater by MercyMe | inspiradosxCristo.com on Grooveshark

Thank You, Lord, for Your abundant grace.  Thank You for sustaining me, for providing for me, and for always, always answering prayer.  Thank You for sustaining my family, for providing for them, and protecting them.  Thank You for being so visible this week.  I love You.


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