I Will Exalt Thee

This week has been so exhausting.

Three days in, I sat alone, feeling numb.  I didn't know what to think, how to react, what to feel.  So my brain chose numbness.  As an INFJ, I don't like numbness.  Feeling is my norm.  I hated the indifference, the cloudiness.  I prayed God wouldn't harden my heart.

As easy as it was to send prayer requests out to my closest friends, I found it hard to pray myself.  I didn't trust; I was so short on faith.  My heart was guarded.  I was overwhelmed by dryness of the people around me, people who didn't speak truth, who didn't pray and praise and proclaim His glory in the midst of our trial.

Tonight, my numbness, mistrust, my dry spell, my lack of faith– all of it b r o k e.

Oh my soul, praise the Lord.  I will exalt Thee, I will rest in You.

But I will sing of You strength
and will joyfully proclaim
Your faithful love in the morning.
For You have been a stronghold for me,
a refuge in my day of trouble.
To You, my strength, I sing praises,
because God is my stronghold–
my faithful God.
Psalm 59:16-17

"I Will Exalt" by Bethel Music, Without Words


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