"God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars." - Martin Luther | adventuring through God's beautiful earth, and seeking Him along the way.
I struggle with my family. It seems so ridiculous to say. They love me more than anyone else in the world, they've been by my side through all my ups and downs, and I love them tons. But they also drive me the most crazy. I'll spare you the elaboration, especially because this post is supposed to focus on the things I'm most thankful for about them. Top Ten Things About My Family That I'm Thankful For : {1} That my mom can do many basic functional things, like eating, showering, writing, et cetera. It sounds crazy. And she'd probably hate that this is on a public blog, but it's one of the things I'm most thankful for. Her MS has robbed her of so many things, and these basic abilities are such blessings, even though they too have also slowed down. {2} That my dad is a local small business owner. Even though we struggle, the fact that he is his own boss has been a blessing. He was always able to make it to my sports games, plays...
The first GriefShare Journal Prompt suggests pretending to write a letter to a friend to help them prepare for grief. My thoughts were scrambled, where does one even start? So I began here: Dear Friend, I'm so, so sorry you're about to be hit with grief. There's nothing I can say or do to lessen or expedite your grieving process. I'm not sure it'd be good to do so, anyhow. It hurts like hell some days, but you also get so many opportunities to remember your person and reflect, even opportunities to get to know them better; I'd hate for you to miss out on the beautiful things. Know that no one in your family or life will experience grief in exactly the same way as you. My grief is different from my dad's, my grandma's, my aunt's, my cousin's. We all loved my mom very much, but she was someone different to each of us: Mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt. No loss is greater or less, just different. Never let anyone minimize your loss, ...
Introducing... Top Ten Thursdays: the top ten coolest things of the week. Not just acknowledging but owning the fact that my workplace is my M field; this simple shift in my outlook has helped me to not only show greater love and exude pure joy, but to be a better worker, which is honoring to Him who placed me there. Realizing that since I've been focused on Him this week, I've struggled less with distractions and temptations. Praise. Worship night, tea party, and life group this week. I don't have enough fingers to count all the amazing people the Lord has placed in my life through these things. New friends and heart-to-hearts and time with God. Hiking with coworkers after my shift today. Trekked up a large hill, saw an awesome bird, and soaked up the sun while talking about cardboard bicycles (they're real). Given more responsibilities at work. New bangs. And they're really fun. Dinner & dessert in the Circle with an old friend. Quality God ti...
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