Recap: 2 0 1 3

As ready as I am for a new year and a fresh start, I want to sit and be thankful for the last 365 days that God so graciously gave me.

in 2013...

I went to:
Alexandria, VA

Washington, D.C.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

New York, New York

San Diego, CA

Los Angeles, CA

I fell in love with:
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Line dancing
Captain America
The Avengers
Aaron Rodgers
The story of Hannah

I conquered:
My aversion to banana strings
My fear of 270° freeway ramps

I praised God for:
Mom making it through the hospital

My new roommates + the Full House

Travel time with my grandma
Old friends
My youth group kids
Lessons in grace, humility, and love
Paying off my car
Friends' engagements, weddings, and babies
Tea + Beth Moore dates with my sis

The little things in life

Dear friends & friend mugs

The Gospel being presented in the center of our city for Jesus' birthday

& NYE with some of the best people I know.

Zài jiàn, 2013.
Hello, 2014.


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