wipe away my pride.

God humbled me one day.  It was the first day I realized how truly selfish and prideful I was.  And then, He humbled me more.  And kept at it, slowly revealing my sinfulness that was causing me to build myself up.  And slowly, faithfully, He began to chip away at my pride.  Which, by the way, hurts.  It hurts real bad.  What hurts more, though, is looking back at my past and not having been able to see the areas of pride in my life, and now being able to see how they affected people around me.  The times when I wasn't gracious or compassionate, the times when I was rude or condescending, the times when I wanted something and tried chasing it, when God was clearly telling me that it wasn't for me.  "Hindsight is always 20/20," my mom used to tell me.  I get it now.

Abba, Father.  Wipe away my pride even if it's as shocking as swiping a rug out from under my feet.  Break me down.  Show me what humility looks like, manifest it in my life.  Make me gentle and slow to speak, bold only when it is beneficial for Your kingdom and the people around me.  Give me a heart for others, show me how to place them before myself.

Thank You for Your faithfulness.


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