The Simple Things.

china, 2012.

I've come to realize that it doesn't take much to send me into deep thought.  Especially simple things.  Sometimes those little things are so marvelously profound.  It's not even that I haven't heard them before.  For instance, today I was in a discussion with one of my friends at work and she said to me, "delay is not denial".  I had to chew on that for awhile.  I've realized and accepted this in regards to God, knowing that He always answers prayer with either: "yes, not now, or better," but I wasn't willing to give humans any grace for their timing.  This is where I need to lecture myself on a little Charles Horton Cooley "looking glass self" theory and eat a big slice of humble pie.  Talk about selfish!  Lessons in humility and patience... ♥


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