First Impressions.

Today, I woke up to my phone ringing eleven minutes after I should've clocked in to work (which was supposed to be 4:00am, mind you).  Not only so, but I'm sick, and woke up to a gnarly nose situation happening (I'll spare you the details).  It wasn't a pleasant start to the day.  I was already hoping to leave work early since it was a shorter shift and they wouldn't be missing me too much, but when I realized I was late to work, my hope for that vanished.  I figured it wasn't appropriate to ask to leave early when I was coming in a half hour late.

As I pulled up to work, I realized that the first half hour of my absence had gone just fine without me.  The hours from that point went along painfully slow, and all I could do was pray I didn't appear as miserable as I felt.  Then, the manager in charge told me that if it was a productive morning for our crew, that he'd try to get me out of work early, since he knew how awful it felt being at work when sick.  I was dumbstruck.  I definitely didn't deserve even the offer, so I thanked him approximately three times and tried to kick butt on my section before we opened the store.

The manager came up to me again, made sure I got off work about two hours early to go home and rest, and then said he wasn't going to give me a warning, since I am never late to work.  Again, I was amazed.  I thanked him three more times and went home.

Many times first impressions are so misleading.  I never felt like I clicked with or really understood this manager, and today he was so kind and showed me so much grace and mercy, even if he didn't know that's what he was doing.  And my friends at work were incredible.  My sweet new friend helped me finish my section, offered to put everything away for me, and hugged me despite my runny nose and manly-raspy sick voice.

I will always be amazed and surprised when people try to help me.  I will always be even more surprised when the Lord shows me new things about people in my life.


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