Approaching the Throne of Grace.

I am an easily distracted person, comparable to Dug in Up ("Squirrel!").  I see something shiny or glittery and it peels my eyes off of what I'm supposed to be walking, driving, or looking towards.  I also find myself easily invested in stories, and borderline emotionally attached to fictional characters' lives (i.e. I cried when I finished the Harry Potter series).  This makes for a bad combination in the sense that a lot of my free time is torn between looking up pretty things on Pinterest, keeping up with episodes of my favorite television shows on Hulu, and spending time with God.  I thoroughly hate to admit that time with God sometimes gets put aside, and then I end up either trying to cram it in or skipping it altogether.

It was a long day at work today.  I came home tired, cranky, irritable, and hungry.  Not a good mix.  All I wanted to do was sit on my butt and do nothing, like scanning Pinterest for more photos of really toned people I'm jealous of, captioned with exercising tips I probably won't use.  Instead, I sat quietly, and asked God to meet me.  Everything I brought Him and laid at His feet, He blessed.  He responded immediately.  So quickly, in fact, that I was shocked.  Not because I doubted His ability to do so, but because when His faithfulness crashed into my faithlessness, I was humbled, grateful, and filled to the brim with joy and the peace that comes with being overwhelmingly loved.

My dahlia plant that the Lord marvelously created.

Spoke to My Heart:
"Be still before the LORD, all mankind, 
because He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling."
Zechariah 2:13 (NIV)

Prayer Answered:
"The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."
2 Chronicles 16:9a (NLT)

"...He restores my soul..."
Psalm 23:3 (NIV)

Pep-Talk From Paul/Heart Checkpoint:
"...let us hold firmly to the faith we profess."
Hebrews 4:14 (NIV)

Jesus is able to sympathize with us.
Hebrews 4:15
We can approach the throne of grace confidently
and be blessed with grace and mercy.
Hebrews 4:16


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