Top Ten #9: New Year's Edition

Well, this is kind of late, but I have the whole house to myself, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the peacefulness.  It was so needed after a rough morning.  So while Louis Armstrong and I hang out drinking iced tea, here are my top ten goals/hopes for 2013:

Take the GRE.

Learn Spanish via Rosetta Stone.

Go to the gym 3x a week.
I recently developed a love for the elliptical.
Which sounds ridiculous... 
but my knees are happy that it's less impact than running.

Go camping.
please, pretty please.

Visit Chinatown & the Walk of Fame in LA.
lived in Southern California 23 years...
Never seen the Walk of Fame.

Wash/clean out my car weekly.
Poor Keiko, such a trooper.

Become a mentor for a teen at Orangewood.
oh my heart.

Do a better job at showing my family love.

Write my resumé.
for some reason, this scares me.

Higher quality quiet times.  And more consistency.

Here's to setting tangible goals,
and never forgetting that this "waiting time"
is not for wasting time.

My prayer for 2013 is
that wherever the Lord has me,
I would appreciate it,
find joy in it,
and maximize my singleness,
my time living with my family,
and my time at this job,
trusting that the Lord
knows my desires,
and will bring them in
His perfect timing.
Not in my impatience or mistrust.

Praise to Him, always.


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