Three Years.

Dear Papa,

I miss you.

Sometimes it still feels weird.
Like, you should still be in the living room watching Green Bay when I come over.
Like, your garage should be potent with that distinct old car smell.
Like, I never quite got to say all the things I wanted to.

 This is the last photo of you we have.
I don't know if anyone else saw it.
But I found it on your camera the other day.
Were you going to buy that car?
I'm assuming you were at a car show, per usual.
And you didn't have a pen and paper.
But you had your camera.
I'm really glad your reflection got caught in this frame.
I love that I can see your shades.
And your white mustache.
And your little hairs on the top of your head.

I hope you're in Heaven.

I love and miss you to the moon and back.

Your Mouse,


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