Best Monday Ever

“But do you believe miracles still happen? 
Many Christians I’ve met do not.
Often, this is because they confuse miracles with magic.
I remind them that miracles don’t have to break that laws of nature to be a supernatural event.”
- Bruce Wilkinson

Today was so cool.
So I've had this guitar (which I've never learned to play) for about four years, give or take.  It was a gift from an ex-boyfriend, and it's a beautiful guitar, but it's been just sitting in its case for a great deal of time now.  After figuring out that the guitar is not my forte, and guessing it wouldn't be a good idea to try to give it back, I decided to sell it.  We put it on Craigslist the day before Thanksgiving, but only received one offer, from a man offering half of what I was asking.  I may not be the best at bartering, but I was determined to not give up.We decided to re-list it this weekend, hoping it would be seen.

Today my dad stopped by my work to tell me that a girl roughly my age wanted to buy it and use it for worship.  He said she didn't mention anything about the price, but told her I'd call her when I got off of work.  As it turns out, this girl had been looking for the exact guitar that I had, but Takamine no longer made it and no one seemed to have it.  This morning, her guitar had to be retired, and she decided to check out Craigslist, where she found my guitar and called my dad.

When I called her, she didn't pick up, so I left a message with my name and number and told her she could call or text me and I'd love to have her come look at the guitar.  She ended up coming over tonight, and loved the guitar.  But the coolest thing wasn't that I sold the guitar.  When she came over, she told me how her friend asked if my name was Chelsea (it is, but she didn't know that until I called her), that they prayed for me and the guitar and the situation, and we discovered that we have mutual friends (who are such beautifully hearted people)!  And then this sweet girl tried to pay me $100 more than what I was asking for, which was absolutely not happening, but the reason she hadn't brought up pricing was because she wanted to bless me with more.

I love how the Lord just orchestrates everything for His glory and our good.  I am so overjoyed that the guitar, which had so many negative memories attached to it, will be used for worship.  I am so grateful that I have a new friend, and got to bless and be blessed by a sweet sister.  And I couldn't help but laugh, because nothing in my life now is how I would have ever planned or expected it to be.

And I wouldn't change a thing.

and the song I've had in my head all day:


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