{Unceasing Thankfulness}

"Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing.  In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

It's so easy to dedicate one single day to giving thanks.  If we even do it on that day.  But it's difficult to give thanks to the Lord unceasingly.  To thank Him for absolutely everything.  But it's also one of the most freeing things we could learn to do.

Last night started out beautifully.  My shift ended with a huge compliment from my manager, a free turkey, the turkey fitting perfectly in my freezer, my dad making me a delicious burrito for dinner, and a tea party and Christmasy crafts with two very dear friends.  I was really excited for everything, and ready to go to sleep peacefully.  And then I got home.  The night completely shifted into something less than beautiful, the least of our problems being how very colorful my language turned in response to the chaos that ensued in our household.  Needless to say, my brain went spinning.  In the midst of everything, I realized that I have no idea what the Lord's plan is for me, and I have no idea what my next step is.

But I do know this:
The Lord is constant.  He is stable.  He is a rock.  He redeems all.  He uses all pains, all hurts, all chaos, all brokenness, and all heartache for His glory and the good of those who trust in Him.  He doesn't let it go to waste.  It pains Him when we are in trial, but He allows us to experience it because it what is best for us.  And, personally, I always believe that every situation could always be worse.  There is an overflow of God's grace to be found in every moment.  He gives it so freely and abundantly that there is more than our hearts could ever contain, more than our minds could ever wrap themselves around.

I just read James 4, and in it he addresses that the church is fighting amongst themselves.  Considering how my family just interacted, I found it to be extremely relevant.  It came down to pride and humility.  The heart issues.  And then he writes, "But He gives greater grace..." (James 4:6).  And I am reminded again that unworthiness is the platform for grace.  His grace is greater than our unholiness, our unworthiness, our ugliness, our pride, our brokenness, our pain, our heartache, our distress.

Thank You, Lord.  For mercy.  For grace.  For healing.  For deliverance.

I love the LORD because He has heard
my appeal for mercy.
Because He has turned His ear to me,
I will call out to Him as long as I live.
The ropes of death were wrapped around me,
and the torments of Sheol overcame me;
I encountered trouble and sorrow.
Then I called on the name of Yahweh:
"Yahweh, save me!"
The LORD is gracious and righteous;
our God is compassionate. 
Psalm 116:1-5 


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