
My heart aches for East Asia tonight.

For all the hands that touched this coin before mine.
And for all the hands that touched it after.

For the farmers.
For the people in the marketplace.
For the watermelon lady, for La La, and for all the people in the alleyway.
For the people who sit on the street corners selling their fruit.

For the person who wrote this prayer, this wish.
For the people whose wishes are tied all around this one.
For all the people who put their faith in wooden and golden statues.

For the lost, and broken.
For the hurting and hungry, the thirsty and seeking.

My heart aches.

And I can only imagine
that this heaviness in my chest
is simply a fraction
of the ache, the grieving, that the Lord feels
for the people He created
so beautifully, intentionally,
delicately, sweetly
who wander aimlessly through life
ignoring Him
denying Him
hating Him

& I pray
this aching in my chest
never leaves.


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